Today, we are going to learn how to make sourdough Hamburger Buns that are easy and quick and requires very little kneading.

How To Make Sourdough Hamburger Buns Video

In a room temperature glass container mix one cup of all purpose organic unbleached flour (any flour of choice will work but, organic and unbeach it best) with 1 cup of filtered water. Mix flour and water thoroughly, until it feels like a thick paste such as pancake batter.
Cover with a tea towel or cheese cloth, and keep in a warm place around seventy degrees.
Twelve hour later remover a 1/2 cup and discard to save to make a discard recipe of feed livestock such as feeding the chicken or pigs.
Fed with additional 1/2 cup of all purpose organic unbleached flour and 1/2 cup of filter water. Repeat this process for 5 days. On day six and seven fed every twenty four hour. Your starter should have bubbles and the top will look foam-like.

Sourdough has many health benefits, filled with many great benefits and an way to grow yeast to rise breads. Probiotics are live microbes that have health benefits that grow naturally within the environment. Sourdough helps to relegate metabolism, helps relieve allergies, cancer protection and balances the immune system along with reducing inflammation.
Sourdough has many health benefits, filled with many great benefits and an way to grow yeast to rise breads. Probiotics are live microbes that have health benefits that grow naturally within the environment. Sourdough helps to relegate metabolism, helps relieve allergies, cancer protection and balances the immune system along with reducing inflammation.
There is nothing more delicous than the aroma of a freshly baked bread coming out of the oven! Today, we are going to bake the best sourdough sandwich bread.
There is nothing more delicous than the aroma of a freshly baked bread coming out of the oven!Hours of preparation and art dramicially increases the flavor to create the best sourdough sandwich bread. Homemade bread is a standard in my home and with years of practice; I found myself in love with the art of sourdough.

Freshly baked bread is wonderful straight from the oven, sliced, used for sandwiches or toasted.
Dough will be kneaded on a smooth, floured surface. Take the edges of the bread and folded towards you. Use the heel of your hand and knead the dough away from you. Turn the bread and repeat the kneading. Fold dough again and knead again. Repeat folding and kneading until bread is smooth, elastic and not sticky.

Proofing is rising. A risen bread is essential to create mouth watering breadsticks.
When proofing for a sourdough recipe you will have to plan ahead depending on the season. Ideal proofing is about 70-80 degrees.
Proofing is complete when dough has double in size.
I like to add my sourdough to my oven that has the proofing feature and a damp tea towel over the top.
Furthermore, I like to add a pan a water to the bottom of my oven to help with moisture and texture of bread while baking .
This sourdough garlic parmesan breadstick will nee 24-48 hours to ferment and rise to it’s full potential.
I would test the dough by pressing two fingers into the dough 1/2 inch into the dough. If your finger indentation stays within the dough; it is ready.

Shape your sourdough dough by folding edges to the center. After first rise punch down the dough before shaping into the loaf. Turn and fold your dough on a lightly floured surface. Form your dough into a ball. Every recipe has specifics on how to shape the final rise. When dough is placed in a loaf pan or baking sheet it will need to rise again. When the dough is doubled in size, your two fingers should make an indentation in the dough. This is an indication the dough is ready to bake.
When Baking Sourdough Hamburger Buns preheat your oven to desire temperature. Place your baking pan in the center on the middle rack to ensure your sourdough hamburger buns bake evenly. Once buns are baked they should be hallow in sound. Remove sourdough hamburger buns from oven and cool completely on a wire rack before cutting in half.
How To Make Sourdough Hamburger Bun Recipe

- 1 cup of sourdough starter
- 1/2 cup of warm filtered water
- 1 tablespoon of warm filtered water
- 1/2 cup of room temperature milk
- 3 tablespoons of organic raw sugar
- Three Tablespoons of olive oil
- 1 large farm fresh egg
- 1 farm fresh egg white
- 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt
- 2 – 2 1/2 cups of organic all-purpose flour
- 1 tablespoon of sesame or poppy seeds
First, combine sourdough starter, 1/2 cup of warm water and milk and set aside. Next, in a mixer with a dough hook combine sugar, oil, salt, and 1/2 cup of flour. Slowly add your sourdough mix on low speed until smooth alternating between flour and sourdough. Once you have two cups of flour combine, let dough sit on a flour surface using the remaining half cup of flour. Knead dough for three minutes and then place in a grease bowl. Cover bowl with a warm tea towel until it doubles this could take up to twenty four hours. Next, punch dough down and turn on a floured surface and kneed for an additional three minutes.

Now divide your dough into eight equal pieces. Roll your dough into balls and place on a greased baking sheet. Press dough down lightly with fingers to resemble a hamburger bun. Cover your baking sheet with another warm wet tea towel for twelve to twenty four hours. Your buns should double in size. Preheat your oven to four hundred degrees. While your oven is preheating mix your egg whites with one tablespoon of warm water. Using a pastry brush brush your buns and then sprinkle with sesame or poppy seeds.

Bake your buns for sixteen minutes or until brown. Cook your eight buns on cooling rack and slice with a bread knife in the center. Serve buns with your favorite burger!
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