Today I am going to teach my tips on how to take care of yourself in the winter to relieve stress, unwind and give yourself a little love.
Easy Tips to Take Care of Yourself in Winter Video
Self-Care and being a business owner and mother are extremely difficult to “carve out” daily or even weekly but, I do try my best to squeeze it in seasonally. Right now, I am in the Winter months, so self-care is essential especially for my skin and hair because it dries out a lot due to indoor heat and cold condition of the North.
Things I keep in mind and do this Winter to be fresh and energized for my clients is!
Easy Tips to Take Care of Yourself in Winter by Eating Well
1. Eat a diet rich in green vegetables and load up on fatty acids such as olive oil, avocado, kale, and spinach. Spinach and Kale are full of carotenoid’s and eating enough of these greens can heightened feelings of optimism. Also, leafy green strengthens the blood and respiratory system. Finally, greens are high in alkaline that is helps to detox our bodies from pollutants in the environment.
Most American are not getting enough greens in their diet and learning to make these beautiful, dark, leafy greens a part of our meals is hard and very important. Eating greens nourishes our bodies in so many ways such as maintaining a strong blood and respiratory system along with a strong immune system.
Greens are high in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, zinc, and vitamins A, C, and K. Leafy Greens come in many forms, explore and find out which ones, you love I love Kale, arugula and spinach. Also, experiment with cooking your greens such as boil, sauté, broil or simply eat raw. Adding greens to eggs in the morning, in a smoothie or to your dinner salad is some of many ways you can add these glorious greens to you diet.
2. Remember to drink plenty of water at least half your body weight. Our bodies are made up of sixty-five to seventy percent water. The brain consists of eighty-five percent water to thrive. If you find you have a headache it is because you are dehydrated!
Coffee, tea, soda or alcohol are not water. Water is the purest form.
We lose water from our urine, sweat, and tears and it is essential to restock our water supply. Drink your water with lemon or apple cider vinegar first thing in the morning to detox your system from the night before.
If you are not getting enough water, you may find yourself fatigue, hungry, confused or have a headache.
Water is the foundations of life, taking charge of your water intake is helpful to heal out bodies.
Filtered water is the best! Water filters can help remove contaminants and toxins.
Easy Tips to Take Care of Yourself in Winter by Skincare
3. Moisturize with oils such as jojoba, argan or coconut oil after a bath or shower. When skin is wet pat dry do not rub and then rub in your preferred oil.
Avoid product that contain Mineral Oil, Parabens or Phthalates. Mineral Oil coats skin with plastic and your skin which is the biggest organ cannot breathe. Using Mineral Oil will dry out your skin and age it. Mineral Oil is often disguised by using the words petroleum or liquid paraffin. Avoid any lotions or moisturizers that contain Alcohol is a drying agent and will strip layers of your skin away and gives you brown spots.
Parabens and Phthalates are both chemicals can cause hormone in balances. Also, Parabens and Phthalates have shown causes in breast cancer. Phthalates is sometimes hidden behind the word “fragrance” be on the lookout!
4. Exfoliated when possible, including your face. When you exfoliate you remove dead skin cells and make the skin smooth and fresh. Be leery of product that are sold in stores they may contain dyes, alcohol and toxic ingredients. I love just making my own sugar scrubs and they work just as well.
5. Dry Brush when possible! Remember when dry brushing can be done before your bath or shower when your skin is dry. Dry Brushing will last about twenty minutes, start from your feet working towards your heart.
When dry brushing, brush gently and work on one area at a time such as legs, arms, back, etc. Dry Brushing helps with circulation, re-energizes, removes toxins, removes dead skin cells and activates the lymphatic system.
Why I Dry Brush in the Winter?
Dry Brushing is very essential for mental health and wellbeing. Also, Dry Brushing helps with circulation, releases toxins and muscle tension. Dry brushing can benefit the Lymphatic system if you brush close to the arm pit area and groin. Finally, Dry Brushing can re-energize, relieve stress and calm your mind.
Dry Brush right before my shower or bath at least once week. I found my dry brush at Whole Foods but, I have seen at my local drug store. I brush my body from the feet up and working towards the heart. Work on one section of your body at a time.
Easy Tips to Take Care of Yourself in the Winter by Vitamins
6. Take Vitamin D is important in the winter months, especially in parts of the world where winters have less sunlight. Vitamin D prevents many diseases including cancer and the most natural what to get it is from the sun. Vitamin D helps use absorb calcium and essential for strong bones, healthy skin, hair and nails!
Most people assume they get Vitamin D from the sun. The immune system needs Vitamin D.
Although the sunlight does help to get Vitamin D, you can find it in salmon, tuna and sardines. Cod liver boost Vitamin D but, you may find it in eggs, yogurt, milk and some cheeses.
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